Y - y
yn /in/ adp. Etym: from earlier jýn; MR. jǿn; OR. jø̄n; PR. *jęn; PH. *jø̄n; PL. *ɟæwn (at).1 • EN onto. DE an, auf. PL na.
2 • EN on, at. DE an, auf. PL na.
3 • EN to, until, up to. DE bis. PL na.
4 • EN by, for (deadline). DE bis. PL na. grammar sense 1 governs the accusative referring to approach grammar sense 2 governs the dative referring to position grammar senses 3 and 4 govern the accusative Notes if spatial (senses 1 and 2), it refers to vertical/inferior surfaces Variants -yn ‘pronominal suffix’; ýn ‘archaic’.
yrjelt /ˈirjɛlt/ v. Etym: from earlier gjyrjelt; MR. gjyríltt; OR. ŋyrīltt; PR. *ŋyrīlht; PH. *ŋýrīl-; PL. *ŋy<ryp>l- ← *ŋyl- (to turn). EN spin, turn, rotate. intransitive. stem: yríl-. npst: yrjelge : yrjelga : yrjelș : yrjelgú. pst: yrílei. npst adv: yrjelivú. pst adv: yrílúl. ger: yrílinș.