O - o
o /ɔ/ Etym: MR. & OR. o; PR. *o (some expressive particle).1 • conj. EN and (clausal level), as for. DE und. PL i, a. Virș sjyeþs lírúr svoroaș, o draos ljájúr svoroaș. My brother is three years old, and my sister is seven. Mój brat ma trzy lata, a siostra ma siedem. grammar usually implies separate events or consequences if the subject is the same Skanslieþs orezeș o lvoríneș. The man sang, and (then he) danced. Skanslieþs orezeș az lvoríneș. The man sang and danced (at the same time). Dzýșeș vast o râbeș. He ate it and (he) died. see: az ‘and (phrasal level)’.
2 • part. EN also, as well. DE auch. PL i, też, także. grammar used before the additional phrase, but cannot precede verbs themselves in this sense: 'o kaor' is used for this purpose. Lvoríneș o vâs. She also danced. (in addition to others who danced). Ona też tańczyła. Tańczyła i ona. O rava mojeș dvuost. Good morning to you too. see: o kaor.
o kaor /ɔˈkɔːr/ adv. Etym: o + kaor. EN also, as well. DE auch. PL też. incomparable. grammar used to modify verbs only Lvoríneș o kaor. She also danced. (in addition to doing other things). O kaor. That too. see: o; kaor.
obúr /ˈɔbuːr/ adv. Etym: MR. obôr; OR. avbôr; PR. *aβbôr; PH. *aḇbɔ̄́s; PL. ⁂m̥bbáws ← *ᵐbæj(n)- (INTERROGATIVE). EN why. DE warum. PL dlaczego, czemu. syn. dý. incomparable. Notes dý tends to imply cause or purpose, whereas obúr elicits a more general reason
odans /ˈɔdans/ n. Etym: MR. advanss, with random metathesis; OR. advænss; PR. *adβænhs (bounty); PH. *aḏbhǽnṯəs; PL. *n̥dbʱ-ǽnt- ← *ⁿdɯbʱ- (to hunt).1 • EN treasure, loot, bounty.
2 • EN love, dear. spirant stem, count noun. stem: od[a^e]nḤ-. gen: odeng. dat: odanga. acc: odand. ins: odangúr. pl: odandre. gen pl: odanștris.
oje· /ˌɔjɛ/ aff. Etym: MR. avé-; OR. awē-; PR. *aɣeg- cf. avíș; PH. *agheḡ-. EN same-, homo-, syn-. see: avíș.
okal /ˈɔkal/ adv. Etym: o + kal. EN there, over there. DE da. PL tam. syn. vagal, krieksal. incomparable. Notes the referent location is usually visible and may or may not be near the interlocutor; okal is a form of present indication of a visible location, whereas vagal has more of a discursive referent Njøs-aș okal! There's a dog over there! see: o; kal.
okjes /ˈɔtʃɛs/ pron. Etym: MR. (s)kéðs (sporadic s- loss), with some expressive particle o, compare vara. EN that (one). DE das. PL tamto. syn. krieks. heavy stem. stem: okíł-. gen: okú : okjezg. dat: oka : okíza. acc: okad : okjezd. ins: okaor : okízúr. pl: otra : okjere. gen pl: otes : okjes. Notes the longer forms are much rarer than with kjes phonology the short nominative plural otra was levelled from utra, and is one of the few native instances of /ɔ/ occurring in a checked syllable Variants ok. ‘abbreviation (SG)’; ot. ‘abbreviation (PL)’. see: kjes.
okjeș /ˈɔtʃɛʃ/ adj. Etym: MR. (s)kéðș (sporadic s- loss), with some expressive particle o, compare vara. EN that. DE der, die, das, jener. PL tamten, tamta, tamto. syn. kriekș. incomparable. stem: okíl-. Variants okș ‘abbreviation’. see: kjeș; okjes.
orast /ˈɔrast/ v. Etym: MR. avrasstt; OR. awræzztt; PR. *agræhzht; PH. *aḡrǽp̄z-; PL. *ŋ̊g<rǽp>z- ← PL. *ᵑgæz- (to invoke). EN sing. intransitive, transitive. stem: or[a^e]z-. npst: orase : orasa : oraș : oresú. pst: orezei. npst adv: orazivú. pst adv: orazúl. ger: orazenș.
oraș /ˈɔraʃ/ adj. Etym: MR. auraș; OR. awrašjre; PR. *aworšjir ← ahss (whole), see ás. EN whole, all. DE ganz, all. PL cały. incomparable. see: ás.
orí /ˈɔriː/ adv. Etym: oriș + -í.1 • EN alone. DE allein. PL sam.
2 • EN of all people, of all things, of all places. DE ausgerechnet. PL akurat. incomparable. adj: oriș. O orí teral! And here, of all places! see: -í.
oriș /ˈɔriʃ/ adj. Etym: as + -iș.1 • EN single, one. DE einzig. PL jedyny.
2 • EN alone. DE allein. PL sam.
3 • EN of all people, of all things. DE ausgerechnet. PL akurat. incomparable. adv: orí. grammar for sense 3, the adjective is usually post-nominal Dzmen oriș ljárbre vaș. We've got a single chance. (Lyejþs) oriștre! Fancy seeing you here! (lit. 'The one (person)!'; exclamation of disbelief upon meeting someone somewhere that you did not expect to see). Ú oriș-age teral. I'm alone here. O hora varjei avíș lyeșt orișt! And then I saw the same man, of all people! see: as; -iș; lyejþs oriștre.
orișans /ˈɔriʃans/ n. Etym: oriș + -ans.1 • EN singularity.
2 • EN singular number (linguistics). spirant stem, count noun. stem: oriș[a^e]nḤ-. gen: orișeng. dat: orișanga. acc: orișand. ins: orișangúr. pl: orișandre. gen pl: orișanștris. see: oriș; -ans.
orișenjeș /ɔˈriʃɛɲɛʃ/ adj. Etym: orișans + -iș. EN singular (linguistics). incomparable. see: orișans; -iș.
oriștre /ˈɔriʃtrɛ/ int. Etym: clipping of lyejþs oriștre. EN fancy seeing you here (said when meeting someone unexpectedly). Lit: the one syn. lyejþs oriștre.
orizír /ˈɔriziːr/ n. Etym: MR. avrizzér; OR. awrizzēr (singer) ← awræzzt (to sing) + -ēr. EN (professional) singer. semi-light stem, count noun. stem: orize-. gen: orizí. dat: orizea. acc: orizíd. ins: orizeúr. pl: orizíre. see: orast; -ír.
ostárs /ˈɔstaːrs/ n. Etym: MR. ostárss; OR. awstārss; PR. *aɣstārhs (gen. *aɣstôrhs) (sprout); PH. *ghəstáḡərṯəs; PL. *gʱa-sta<gar>t-as ← *stat- (to grow). EN sprout. DE Spross. spirant stem, count noun. stem: ost[á^uo]rḤ-. gen: ostuorg. dat: ostárga. acc: ostárd. ins: ostárgúr. pl: ostáre. gen pl: ostárștris. phonology one of the few native occurrences of checked /ɔ/
oș /ɔʃ/ adj. Etym: clipping of oșe·heríņiș. EN cis (cisgender). incomparable. see: oșe·heríņiș.
oșe· /ˌɔʃɛ/ aff. Etym: MR. (u)ši, cf. sje. EN cis-. see: sje.
oșe·heríņiș /ˌɔʃɛhɛˈriːŋiʃ/ adj. Etym: oșe· + heríņiș. EN cisgender. PL cispłciowy. ant. teșa·heríņiș. incomparable. see: oșe·; heríņiș.
otovan /ˈɔtɔvan/ adv. Etym: MR. otuvan; OR. avtɨwan; PR. *abtɨg han; PH. *aḇtɯ́ḡ; PL. ⁂m̥bt’ɯ́g ← *ᵐbæj(n)- (INTERROGATIVE). EN from when, since when. incomparable. see: otú. Otovan gjøn orizír? Since when have you been a singer?
otú /ˈɔtuː/ adv. Etym: MR. otú; OR. avtɨw; PR. *abtɨg; PH. *aḇtɯ́ḡ; PL. ⁂m̥bt’ɯ́g ← *ᵐbæj(n)- (INTERROGATIVE). EN from where, whence. DE woher. PL odkąd. incomparable.
ozír /ˈɔziːr/ n. Etym: MR. ozér; OR. awzēr; PR. *agzēr; PH. *aḡzéḡis; PL. *ŋ̊gz-ég; PL. *ᵑgæz- (to invoke). EN bard. semi-light stem, count noun. stem: ozeG-. gen: ozí. dat: ozea. acc: ozíd. ins: ozeúr. pl: ozíre.