V - v

-vá   /vaː/ aff. Etym: MR. vá(nva)/vá(mrúttór) (you want/to be wanted). EN -ever, anything (derives general indefinite pro-forms). Variants  after a consonant. see: vámt.

vagal   /ˈvagal/ adv. Etym: MR. łagal; OR. laɣal(æ); PR. *olhá læ; PH. *ləhá; PL. *(s)l̥h-ń̥ ← *(s)lɯh- (DIST). EN there, over there. DE dort. PL tam. syn. okal, krieksal. incomparable. Notes the referent location does not necessarily have to be visible; vagal typically has a discursive referent, whereas okal is a form of present indication of a visible location Vánve lyeķ la Þyreșen. Vagal gjára mojeș þíru vaș. I want to live in Germany. There is a lot of good food there. see: vara; la.

vaír   /ˈva.iːr/ n. Etym: MR. vaér; OR. vaēr; PR. *vaēr ← vār + -ēr. EN right-hander. DE Rechtshänder. PL praworęczny, praworęki. ant. tavỉr. semi-light stem, count noun. stem: vae-. gen: vaí. dat: vaea. acc: vaíd. ins: vaeúr. pl: vaíre. gen pl: vaíris, vajes. see: vár.

vaíș   /ˈva.iːʃ/ adj. Etym: vaír + -ș. EN right-handed. ant. tavỉș. incomparable. see: vaír; -iș.

valiș   /ˈvaliʃ/ adj. Etym: MR. valiș, vleș (reanalysed vle-); OR. wališjre, wlešjre; PR. *wals, wališjir, wlèšjir, wlèšjišjir; PH. *wáləs, *wlɛ́ḵjis; PL. *wal-, *wl̥-ǽkje- ← *wal- (black). EN black. DE schwarz. PL czarny. comparable. comp: vleuobș. Variants vleș dialectal.

valkvars   /ˈvalkvars/ n. Etym: MR. valkvars (valkvoru) ← val- (black) + kvars (crow), which had become homophonous with the word for 'bear'; OR. kwars (kworw); PR. *kwars (kwòrg); PH. *kwárəs; likely from PL. *k(')wVr- (to croak, to crow). EN crow. heavy stem, count noun. stem: valkv[a^o]r-. gen: valkvoru. dat: valkvara. acc: valkvard. ins: valkvarúr. pl: valkvare.

valska   /ˈvalska/ int. Etym: valzgt. EN thank you, thanks (to one person). Variants valúkú to more than one person. see: valzgt.

valúkú   /vaˈluːkuː/ int. Etym: valzgt. EN thank you, thanks (to more than one person). Variants valska to one person. see: valzgt.

valzgt   /valskt/ v. Etym: MR. vazvgtt, valzvgtt (valúg-); OR. vaðbgtt; PR. *βaðbght (βaðobg-; to be worthy of praise); PH. *bhádhəḇg-; PL. *bʱa<dʱab>g- ← *bʱag- (to be good). EN be worthy of praise. intransitive. stem: val[z^úl]g-. npst: valske : valska : valskș : valúkú. pst: valúdzei. npst adv: valuozdivú. pst adv: valzgúl. ger: valzgunș. see: valska; valúkú.

vámt   /vaːmt/ v. Etym: MR. vámtt; OR. vāmtt; PR. *βāmht (to want); PH. *bhām- (to consider good); PL. *bʱag-m̥- ← *bʱag- (to be good). EN want. DE wollen. PL chcieć. transitive. stem: v[á^ao]m-. npst: vánve : vánva : vámș : vaonvú (vánu). pst: vaomei. npst adv: vámivú. pst adv: vámúl. ger: vámunș. grammar can take an infinitival object

vans   /vans/ n. Etym: MR. & OR. vanss; PR. *βanhs (gen. *βanohg); PH. *bhánəṯəs; PL. *bʱan-at-as (father). EN father, dad. spirant stem, count noun, irregular*. stem: vanḤ-. gen: vanug*, vang (proscribed). dat: vanga. acc: vand. ins: vangúr. pl: vandre. gen pl: vanștris.

vao·   /vɔː/ aff. Etym: see vaoș. EN all-, omni-, pan-. DE all-, pan-. PL wszech-, pan-. see: vaoș.

vao·sjeliș   /vɔːˈʃɛliʃ/ adj. Etym: vao· + sjelt. EN all-knowing, omniscient. PL wszechwiedzący. incomparable. adv: vao·sjelivú. see: vao·; sjelt.

vao·sjelivú   /vɔːˈʃɛlivuː/ adv. Etym: vao· + sjelt. EN all-knowingly, omnisciently. PL wszechwiedząco. incomparable. adj: vao·sjeliș. see: vao·; sjelt.

vaors   /vɔːrs/ n. Etym: MR. & OR. vôrs; PR. *βôrs (sky); PH. *bhɔ̄́rəs (world); PL. *bʱaw<r>(n)- ← *bʱaw(n)- (all). EN sky. DE Himmel. PL niebo. heavy stem, count noun. stem: vaor-. gen: vaoru. dat: vaora. acc: vaord. ins: vaorúr. pl: vaore.

vaoș   /vɔːʃ/ adj. Etym: equivalent to vaus + -ș; MR. vôș; OR. vôšjre; PR. *βôšjir ← *βaws. EN all, entire, whole, ganz. DE all. PL wszystki, cały. incomparable. see: vaus; var; roíș.

var   /var/ pron. Etym: MR. (u)var; OR. vwar; PR. *βwar; PH. *bhuás; PL. *bʰu(n)-ás ← *bʱaw(n)- (all). EN everything, all. DE alles. PL wszystko. gen: utú, ùsk (colloquial). dat: uva, ùn (colloquial). acc: utad, ùst (colloquial). ins: ubúr. see: vaus; vauș.

vár   /vaːr/ n. Etym: MR. vár; OR. vār; PR. *βār, see víș. EN right hand. ant. tair. semi-light stem, count noun. stem: vaG-. gen: vív. dat: . acc: vád. ins: vaúr. pl: vaire. see: víș.

vara1   /ˈvara/ pron. Etym: from earlier vagra; OR. laɣra, laɣræ; PR. *olhɨr, *olher, from early Radic **lhɨr, **lher, with some expressive prefix *o-, cf. okjes; PH. *ləhɯ́s, *ləhér; PL. *(s)l̥h-ɯ́s, *(s)l̥h-éz; PL. *(s)lɯh- (distal demonstrative).1 • EN it (3S inanimate). gen: vask : vatú. dat: van : vaga. acc: vast : vatad. ins: vabúr. poss: varș : variș.

2 • EN they, them (3P inanimate). gen: vais : vairis. dat: vain : vairín. acc: vaid : vairid. ins: vairí. poss: vairș, verș : vairiș, veriș. Variants vaira dialectal 3P inanimate. see: ú 1S; dzun 1P inclusive; dzate 1P exclusive; re 2S informal; lește 2S formal; sjáște 2P; sja 2 royal; lair 2 deity; vâs 3S animate; vír 3P animate; vara 3S, 3P inanimate; sted 1D inclusive (you and I).

vara2   /ˈvara/ num. Etym: MR. łahra; OR. lahra; PR. *olhhwér, from early Radic *lhhwér, with some expressive prefix *o-; PH. *ləhkhwés; PL. *l̥hkʰwé- ← (s)lɯh- (distal demonstrative).1 • EN so much (definite pro-numeral).

2 • EN enough (with moí). light stem. stem: vae-. gen: vaìsk : vaìtú. dat: vaen. acc: vaest : vaetad. ins: vaebúr. Notes while the meaning of ‘enough’ occurs in collocation with ‘moí’ (well), it is not always interpreted as positive Vara moí. Enough. Kjestú ven moí vara vaș. I've had enough of this. see: moí.

varbe·   /ˌvarbɛ/ aff. Etym: varbír. EN half-, semi-, hemi-, demi-. DE halb-. PL pół-. Notes usually refers to an established concept, often regarding composition or part of a unit, but does not imply deprival Notes if referring to an incomplete half, then the adjective varbíș is preferred Notes if referring to the half itself, the noun varbír is preferred varbe·sjyeþs half-brother. varbe·dvuoþs midday. varbe·huoþre midnight. see: varbír noun; varbíș adjective.

varbe·hjengs   /ˌvarbɛˈʃɛŋks/ /ˌvarbɛˈçɛŋks/ n. Etym: varbe· + hjengs. EN demigod. DE Halbgott. PL półbóg. heavy stem, count noun. stem: varbe·hjeng-. gen: varbe·hjeng. dat: varbe·hjenga. acc: varbe·hjengd. ins: varbe·hjengúr. pl: varbe·hjenzdre. see: varbe·; hjengs.

varbír   /ˈvarbiːr/ n. Etym: MR. var(u)bér; OR. warubér; PR. *warubēr, unexpected wa-, perhaps dissimilation; PH. *wurwḇéḡis; PL. *wot’-r̥wb-ég- ← *wot’- (with) + *rwab- (2). EN half. DE Hälfte. PL połowa, pół. semi-light stem, count noun. stem: varbeG-. gen: varbí. dat: varbea. acc: varbíd. ins: varbeúr. pl: varbíre. Notes usually refers to the half itself Notes if referring to an incomplete half, then the adjective varbíș is preferred Notes if referring to an established concept which does not imply deprival, the prefix varbe· is preferred varbír dvuosk half a day (refers to a quantity or portion of the day). see: varbíș adjective; varbe· prefix.

varbíș   /ˈvarbiːʃ/ adj. Etym: varbír + -iș. EN half(-). DE Halb-. PL pół-. incomparable. stem: varbeG-. Notes usually refers to an incomplete half of something, where the other half would be considered to be missing Notes if referring to the half itself, then the noun varbír is preferred Notes if referring to an established concept which does not imply deprival, the prefix varbe· is preferred varbíș dvuoþs half-day, half a day (contrasts a full day, e.g. at work). see: varbír noun; -iș; varbe· prefix.

vardt   /vart/ v. Etym: MR. łartt; OR. lardtt; PR. *lɨrdht; PH. & PL. *lɯrd- (to see). EN see. transitive. stem: vard-. npst: varte : varta : vartș : vartú. pst: varjei. npst adv: varzdivú. pst adv: vardúl. ger: vardunș.

vas1   /vas/ n. Etym: MR. & OR. vass; PR. *βahs; PH. *bháṯəs; PL. *bʱat- (eye). EN eye. DE Auge. PL oko. spirant stem, count noun. stem: v[a^o]H-. gen: vug. dat: . acc: vad. ins: vavúr. pl: váte; vaire. gen pl: vátis, váts; vairis, vais.

vas2   /vas/ /vɤs/ adp. Etym: MR. vas; OR. wat, was; PR. *wat; PH. *wot; PL. *wot’ (with). EN with (comitative). DE mit. PL z. grammar governs the instrumental -vas pronominal suffix.

vat   /vat/ v. Etym: MR. hłatt (pst. huljere, hulere); OR. hlatt; PR. *hɨlht; PH. *p̄ɯl-; PL. *pɯl- (to be); PL. *(s)nat’- (to become). EN be, there is... DE sein, es gibt... PL być, jest/są... copula, irregular*. stem: va-, rn[a^o]t-. npst: vage*, vai (colloquial) : vaga, vá (colloquial) : vaș : vagú*, vau (colloquial). pst: hâlei* (← hŭlj-), rnoșei; holei (dialectal). npst adv: rnastivú*. pst adv: rnatúl*. ger: hvunș*, rnatunș. phonology when unstressed and following a stressed predicate, forms in v- and h- can elide their initial sound grammar generally, the verbal noun hvunș refers to identities, whereas rnatunș refers to states grammar the past form rnoșei has a similar distinction, though is much rarer, used to contrast the past from the present grammar when an adjective is the predicate, some sort of characteristic is implied: for stative predicates, the adverb is used instead Þyriș-age. I'm German. Hjas-aș er hlýganga. There is water on the ground. Hjas er hlýganga vaș. The water is on the ground. hnír-vunș being a soldier. steral rnatunș being here. rņelfíș-t rnatunș being sad. Rņelfíș-âlei. I was (a) sad (person). (characteristic). Rņelfeí hâlei. I was sad. (state). Rņelfeí rnoșei. I was sad (back then; not anymore). see: hjeat negated.

Vaura   /ˈvaura/ propn. Etym: MR. Vaura; OR. Vawra (Vau); PR. *βaɣor (Vago); PH. *Bhaghós (Bhagho); PL. *bʱn̥-gʱó- ← *bʱan- (father).1 • EN Vau (Radestrian god primordial). PL Waj (radestryjski bóg pierwotny).

2 • EN Jupiter (planet). PL Jowisz (planeta). light stem. stem: Vau-. gen: Vausk. dat: Vaun. acc: Vaust. ins: Vauvúr.

vaus   /vaus/ pron. Etym: MR. vavs; OR. vaws; PR. *βaws (βôtd); PH. *bháwəs (bhɔ̄́təd); PL. *bʱaw(n)- (all). EN everyone, everybody, all, both. DE alle, jeder, jedermann. PL wszyscy, każdy. irregular*. stem: vao-. gen: vaosk : vaotú. dat: vá*. acc: vaost : vaotad. ins: vaobúr. grammar long oblique forms are only used emphatically Variants vaons dialectal. see: vauș; var.

vâlans   /ˈvɤlans/ n. Etym: MR. vullanss; OR. vullænss; PR. *wuhlænhs (tribe; clan); PH. *wup̄lǽnṯəs; PL. *wo(t’)-pl̥-ǽnt- ← *pæl- (to be mighty). EN family. spirant stem, count noun. stem: vâl[a^e]nḤ-. gen: vâleng. dat: vâlanga. acc: vâland. ins: vâlangúr. pl: vâlandre. gen pl: vâlanștris.

vâs   /vɤs/ pron. Etym: PL. *(s)lɯh- (distal demonstrative). EN he, him, she, her, they, them, it (3S animate). gen: vâsk : vâtú. dat: vân : vâva. acc: vâst : vâtad. ins: vâbúr. poss: vârș : vâriș. Notes while 'he' or 'she' is typically understood as [+human], 'vâs' is only [+animate], and may include [–human] referents: for example, English speakers may refer to an insect as 'it', or with [+human] pronouns for endearment, but in Radestrian, 'vara' would be ungrammatical. see: ú 1S; dzun 1P inclusive; dzate 1P exclusive; re 2S informal; lește 2S formal; sjáște 2P; sja 2 royal; lair 2 deity; vâs 3S animate; vír 3P animate; vara 3S, 3P inanimate; sted 1D inclusive (you and I).

veat   /væːt/ v. Etym: MR. vehtt; OR. vehtt (to begin); PR. *βehht (to arise); PH. *bheḵ-; PL. *bʱek- (to arise). EN begin, start, commence. DE anfangen, beginnen. PL zaczynać się, zacząć się. intransitive, irregular*. stem: v[e^i]H-. npst: vei : veà : veaș : viú, vy. pst: vișei. npst adv: veșevú. pst adv: vevúl. ger: vjenș*. see: vinstra noun.

velír   /ˈvɛliːr/ n. Etym: MR. villér; OR. villēr; PR. *βihlejir; PH. *bhiṯléṯis; PL. *bʱit-lét- ← *bʱajt- (to carry). EN wagon, cart. spirant stem, count noun. stem: veleH-. gen: velig. dat: veleva. acc: veled. ins: velevúr. pl: velíre.

veniș   /ˈvɛniʃ/ adj. Etym: MR. veniș; OR. venišjre; PR. *βènišjir, *βæns; PH. *bhǽnəs; PL. *bʱæ(j)n- (new). EN new. DE neu. PL nowy. comparable. stem: van-. comp: vanuobș.

verír   /ˈvɛriːr/ n. Etym: MR. verír; OR. verīr; PR. *βerijir; PH. *bhéḏiḵis; PL. *bʱe<de>k- ← *bʱek- (to arise). EN period, interval, cycle. spirant stem, count noun. stem: veriH-. gen: verig. dat: veriva. acc: verid. ins: verivúr. pl: veríre.

veríș   /ˈvɛriːʃ/ adj. Etym: verír + -iș. EN periodic, cyclic. comparable. stem: veriH-. comp: verivuobș. see: verír; -iș.

vestre   /ˈvɛstrɛ/ n. Etym: MR. vessre, vess; OR. veþþre; PR. *βehθir; PH. *bhéḵthis; PL. *bʱek-tʰ- ← *bʱek- (to arise). EN east (direction). DE Osten. PL wschód. ant. huoþre. heavy stem, mass noun. stem: v[e^i]s-. gen: visk. dat: vesa. acc: vest. ins: vesúr. grammar long nominative is standard when referring to the compass direction

ves   /vɛs/ EN east (region). grammar short nominative is standard when referring to borders ves Hredeșesk East Radestria.

víeș   /ˈviːɛʃ/ adj. Etym: vjes + -iș. EN frontal (relating to the forehead). incomparable. see: vjes; -iș.

vièþs   /ˈvi.ɛθs/ n. Etym: earlier vihøþs; MR. vihhøþs; OR. vihhøþre; PR. *βihhweθir (hero); PH. *ḇiḵkhwéthis (valiant leader); PL. *bʱik-k(ʰ)wé-tʰ-es; PL. *bʱek- (to arise). EN hero. heavy stem, count noun. stem: vièþ-. gen: vièsk. dat: vièþa. acc: vièst. ins: vièþúr. pl: vièþre.

víma   /ˈviːma/ adp. Etym: MR. hłéma; OR. hlǫma; PR. *hlǫma; PH. *slɤ̄́ma; PL. *slajmn̥ ← *slajm- (before).1 • EN against, towards, before, in front of. DE gegen, an, vor, auf. PL o, ku, przed, pod.

2 • EN against, opposite, versus, before, in front of. DE gegen, gegenüber, vor. PL przeciwko, przeciw, przed.

3 • EN before, ago, prior. DE vor. PL przed, temu. grammar sense 1 governs the accusative referring to approach grammar senses 2 and 3 govern the dative referring to position and temporal reference respectively Notes if spatial, it refers to anterior position Notes if temporal, it refers to precedence Variants -víma pronominal suffix.

vinstra   /ˈvinstra/ n. Etym: MR. & OR. vinccra; PR. *βinhcer (beginning); PH. *bhinḵkés; PL. *bʱi<n>k-k’é- ← *bʱek- (to arise). EN beginning, start. DE Anfang, Beginn. PL początek. light stem, count noun. stem: vince-. gen: vincisk. dat: vincen. acc: vincest. ins: vincevúr. pl: vincere. see: veat verb.

víņiș   /ˈviːŋiʃ/ adj. Etym: vjeņgre + -iș. EN winter, wintery, hibernal, brumal. DE Winter-. PL zimowy. incomparable. stem: víņi-. see: vjeņgre; -iș.

vír   /viːr/ pron. Etym: PL. *(s)lɯh- (distal demonstrative). EN they (3P animate). gen: vjes : víris. dat: vjen : vírín. acc: vjed : vírid. ins: vírí. poss: vjerș : vjeriș. see: ú 1S; dzun 1P inclusive; dzate 1P exclusive; re 2S informal; lește 2S formal; sjáște 2P; sja 2 royal; lair 2 deity; vâs 3S animate; vír 3P animate; vara 3S, 3P inanimate; sted 1D inclusive (you and I).

víruoks   /ˈviːruoks/ n. Etym: nominalised passive participle of vjedt, see víruokș. EN lock. heavy stem, count noun. stem: vírúk-. gen: víruok. dat: vírúka. acc: víruot. ins: vírúkúr. pl: víruostre. see: víruokș.

víruokș   /ˈviːruokʃ/ adj. Etym: old passive participle of vjedt. EN closed. DE geschlossen. PL zamknięty. ant. iravíruokș. comparable. stem: vírúk-. comp: vírúkuobș. see: vjedt.

víș   /viːʃ/ adj. Etym: MR. véș; OR. vǫšjre; PR. *βār, βǫšjir; PH. *bháḡəs; PL. *bʱag- (to be good).1 • EN right, just. DE recht.

2 • EN right (as opposed to left). DE recht. PL prawy. ant. taiș. incomparable. see: vjeștre; vár.

vỉș   /viːːʃ/ adj. Etym: vjejr + -iș. EN pedal (relating to the foot). incomparable. phonology the nominalised stem vỉș- does not break see: vjejr; -iș.

víșeș   /ˈviːʃɛʃ/ adj. Etym: vjeștre + -iș. EN right-wing. ant. taișeș. comparable. stem: víș-. comp: víșuobș. see: vjeștre; -iș.

víșír   /ˈviːʃiːr/ n. Etym: vjeștre + -ír. EN right-winger, rightist. DE Rechter. PL prawak. ant. taișír. semi-light stem, count noun. stem: víșeG-. gen: víșí. dat: víșea. acc: víșíd. ins: víșúr. pl: víșíre. see: vjeștre; -ír.

víșíș   /ˈviːʃiːʃ/ adj. Etym: víșír + -iș. EN rightist. ant. taișíș. incomparable. see: víșír; -iș.

vjáft   /vjaːft/ v. Etym: MR. & OR. vêvtt; PR. *βêβhht; PH. *bhɛ̄́bhəṯ-; PL. *bʱæj~bʱæt- ← *bʱæjt- (to give). EN relinquish, give up. transitive. stem: vjávH-. npst: vjáve : vjáva : vjávș : vjávú. pst: vjávșei. npst adv: vjávșevú. pst adv: vjávúl. ger: vjávenș.

vjảt   /vjaːːt/ v. Etym: MR. & OR. vêhtt; PR. *βêhht; PH. *bhɛ̄́ṯ-; PL. *bʱæjt- (to give). EN add. transitive. stem: vjáH-. npst: vjáe : vjả : vjảș : vjáú. pst: vjáșei. npst adv: vjáșevú. pst adv: vjávúl. ger: vjájnș. grammar add something (+acc) to something (+dat)

vjávuozs   /ˈvjaːvuoz/ n. Etym: vjảt + -uozs. EN addition (mathematics). heavy stem, count noun. stem: vjávúz-. gen: vjávuozg. dat: vjávúza. acc: vjávuozd. ins: vjávúzúr. pl: vjávuozdre. see: vjảt; -uozs.

vjâzdra   /ˈvjɤzdra/ n. Etym: MR. vizzra; OR. viððra; PR. *βihðor; PH. *bhiḵdhós; PL. *bʱik-dʱó- ← *bʱek- (to arise). EN womb. light stem, count noun. stem: vjâzo-. gen: vjâzusk. dat: vjâzun. acc: vjâzust. ins: vjâzovúr. pl: vjâzore.

vjeat   /vjæːt/ v. Etym: MR. véhtt; OR. vǫhtt; PR. *βǫhht; PH. *bhɤ̄ṯ-; PL. *bʱajt- (to carry). EN carry, bear. DE tragen. PL nosić, nieść. transitive. stem: víH-. npst: vjei : vjeà : vjeaș : vjeú, vjø. pst: víșei. npst adv: vjeșevú. pst adv: vívúl. ger: vívunș.

vjedt   /vjɛt/ v. Etym: MR. łédtt; OR. lǫdtt; PR. *lǫdht; PH. *lɤ̄d-; PL. *lajd- (to enclose). EN close, shut. DE schließen. PL zamknąć, zamykać. ant. iravjedt. transitive. stem: víd-. npst: vjete : víta : vjetș : vítú. pst: víei. npst adv: vjezdivú. pst adv: vídúl. ger: vídunș.

vjedzs   /vjɛdz/ n. Etym: MR. łéds; OR. lǫdþs; PR. *lǫdþs; PH. *lɤ̄́dthəs; PL. *lajd-tʰ- ← *lajd- (to enclose). EN wall (inside, enclosing). DE Wand. PL ściana. heavy stem, count noun. stem: vjedz-. gen: vjezg. dat: vjedza. acc: vjezd. ins: vjedzúr. pl: vjezdre.

vjei·   /vjai/ aff. Etym: vjeiș. EN fifth-. see: vjeiș; voe· cardinal.

vjeiș   /vjaiʃ/ adj. Etym: MR. łíjș; OR. lw̄jšjre; PR. *lɨīšjir, *lɨēr; PH. *ləḡéḡis; PL. *l̥g-ég-; PL. *log- (five). EN fifth (5th). incomparable. stem: vjeiG-. Variants  abbreviation. see: vúr cardinal.

vjejr   /vjair/ n. Etym: MR. łéjr; OR. lǫjr; PR. *lǫjr; PH. *lɤ̄́ḡəs; PL. *lajg- (foot). EN foot. DE Fuß. PL noga. semi-light stem, count noun. stem: víG-. gen: vjej. dat: vía. acc: víx. ins: víúr. pl: víate; vjejre. gen pl: víatis, víats; vjejris, vjejs. see: vỉș.

vjeņgre   /ˈvjɛŋgrɛ/ n. Etym: MR. véņre; OR. vēŋre; PR. *βēŋir; PH. *bhḗŋis; PL. *bʱek-me- ← *bʱek- (to arise). EN winter. DE Winter. PL zima. light stem, count noun. stem: víņi-. gen: víņisk. dat: víņin. acc: víņist. ins: víņivúr. pl: víņire.

vjers   /vjɛrs/ n. Etym: MR. łérs; OR. lǫrs; PR. *lǫrs; PH. *lɤ̄́ḏəs; PL. *lajd- (to enclose). EN castle. DE Schloss. PL zamek. heavy stem, count noun. stem: vír-. gen: víru. dat: víra. acc: vjerd. ins: vírúr. pl: vjere.

vjes   /vjɛs/ n. Etym: MR. véss; OR. vǫss; PR. *vǫhs (forehead); PH. *bhɤ̄́khəs; PL. *bʱajkʰ- (eyebrow). EN forehead. spirant stem, count noun. stem: víH-. gen: vjeg. dat: víva. acc: vjed. ins: vívúr. pl: vjeire. see: víeș.

vjeslieþs   /ˈvjɛslieθs/ n. Etym: MR. véslíþs; OR. vǫþlijþre ← vǫþs + lȳjþre. EN woman. DE Frau. PL kobieta. heavy stem, count noun. stem: vjeslíþ-. gen: vjesliesk. dat: vjeslíþa. acc: vjesliest. ins: vjeslíþúr. pl: vjeslieþre. see: vjeþs; lyejþs.

vjeștre   /ˈvjɛʃtrɛ/ n. Etym: víș.1 • EN the right (side).

2 • EN right wing (politics). ant. taiștre. heavy stem, mass noun. stem: víș-. gen: vjeșk. dat: víșa. acc: vjeșt. ins: víșúr. see: víș.

vjeþs   /vjɛθs/ n. Etym: MR. véþs; OR. vǫþs (wife); PR. *βǫθs; PH. *bhɤ̄́thəs; PL. *bʰaj-tʰ- ← *bʱaj- (woman). EN wife. DE Frau, Ehefrau. PL żona. heavy stem, count noun. stem: víþ-. gen: vjesk. dat: víþa. acc: vjest. ins: víþúr. pl: vjeþre.

vjuolt   /vjuolt/ v. Etym: MR. vjúltt; OR. vjūltt; PR. *βjūltht; PH. *bhjūlc-; PL. *bʱjɯwlc’- (to care). EN like, please. DE gefallen, mögen. PL podobać się, lubić. transitive. stem: vjuolt-. npst: vjuolte : vjuolta : vjuoltș : vjuoltú. pst: vjuolșei. npst adv: vjuolstivú. pst adv: vjuoltúl. ger: vjuoltunș. grammar takes a dative subject and can take an infinitival object, but can also be used impersonally Ven vjuoltș kjeș drávre. I like this book. Hjeaș ven vjuolta vlyegt. I don't like being drunk. Vjuolșeș! It was nice!

vjuoltúș   /ˈvjuoltuːʃ/ int. Etym: vjuolt (may it please). EN please. DE bitte. PL proszę. syn. kaor vjuoltúș. see: vjuolt.

vlaus   /vlaus/ n. Etym: MR. vlaus; OR. vraws; PR. *βɨrɣs; PH. *bhɯ́rghɯs; PL. *bʱɯrgʱ- (ant). EN ant. DE Ameise. PL mrówka. heavy stem, count noun. stem: vlav-. gen: vlavu. dat: vlá, vlava. acc: vlaud. ins: vlavúr. pl: vlaure.

vlunzdra   /ˈvlɤnzdra/ n. Etym: MR. vlunzra; OR. vrŭnðra; PR. *βrɨnðor; PH. *bhrəndhós; PL. *bʱr̥n-dʱó-s ← *bʱɯrn- (tongue).1 • EN tongue. DE Zunge. PL język.

2 • EN language, tongue. DE Sprache. PL język. light stem, count noun. stem: vlunzo-. gen: vlunzusk. dat: vlunzun. acc: vlunzust. ins: vlunzovúr. pl: vlunzore.

vlunzusligír   /vlɤnˈzɤsligiːr/ n. Etym: vlunzuslis + -ír. EN linguist. semi-light stem, count noun. stem: vlunzusligeG-. gen: vlunzusligí. dat: vlunzusligea. acc: vlunzusligíd. ins: vlunzusligeúr. pl: vlunzusligíre. see: vlunzuslis; -sligír.

vlunzuslis   /ˈvlɤnzɤslis/ n. Etym: vlunzdra + -slis. EN linguistics. semi-light stem, mass noun. stem: vlunzusliḤ-. gen: vlunzuslig. dat: vlunzusliga. acc: vlunzuslid. ins: vlunzusligúr. see: vlunzdra; -slis.

vlyet   /vliet/ v. Etym: MR. vlǿtt (to be drunk); OR. vlętt; PR. *βęlhht; PH. *bhø̄lh-; PL. *bʱæwlʔ- (to speak loudly). colloquial. EN be drunk. intransitive. stem: vlýḤ-. npst: vlýe, vlye : vlyeà : vlyeș : vlyeú, vlýú (proscribed). pst: vlýșei. npst adv: vlyeșevú. pst adv: vlýgúl. ger: vlýenș.

voașalisier·   /ˌvɔaʃalisier/ aff. EN fifty-; added in front of numbers 1-9 to form numbers 51-59. grammar this can also be applied to ordinals and any inflected cardinal forms Variants voașalsier· colloquial. see: vuorșalis.

voe·   /ˌvɔ.ɛ/ aff. Etym: vjeiș; MR. łue-; OR. lŭe-; PR. *lɨe-, see vjeiș. EN quinque-, penta-, five-. see: vjeiș; vjei· ordinal.

voesjarus   /vɔˈɛʃarɤs/ n. Etym: voe· + sjarus. EN pentagon. DE Fünfeck. PL pięciokąt. heavy stem, count noun. stem: voesjarv-. gen: voesjarvu. dat: voesjarva. acc: voesjarud. ins: voesjarvúr. pl: voesjarure. see: voe·; sjarus.

voeșelíș   /vɔˈɛʃɛliːʃ/ adj. EN fiftieth (50th). incomparable. stem: voeșeleG-. Variants 50ș abbreviation. see: vuorșalis cardinal.

voeúr   /ˈvɔ.ɛ.uːr/ adv. Etym: voír. EN fifthly, for the fifth time, the fifth time. DE fünftens, zum fünften Mal. PL po piąte, po raz piąty. incomparable. Variants 5eúr abbreviation. see: voír.

voí   /ˈvɔ.iː/ /vɔi/ adv. Etym: MR. voí; OR. voī; PR. *βòwī ← *βaws (see vaus). EN only, just. DE nur. PL tylko. incomparable. see: vaus.

voír   /ˈvɔ.iːr/ n. Etym: MR. łuér; OR. lŭēr; PR. *lɨēr, see vjeiș. EN fifth time. semi-light stem, count noun. stem: voeG-. gen: voí. dat: voea. acc: voíd. ins: voeúr. pl: voíre. Variants 5ír abbreviation. see: vjeiș; voeúr adverbial.

vuorșalis   /ˈvuorʃalis/ num. Etym: PH. *lóḡus ḵjǽlizɯsu. EN fifty (50). semi-light stem. stem: v[o^u]G-șalis. gen: vjøșalis. dat: voașalis. acc: vuodșalis. ins: vouorșalis. Variants vuorșals colloquial. see: voeșelíș ordinal; voașalisier· prefix.

vúr   /vuːr/ num. Etym: MR. łór; OR. lōr; PR. *lōr; PH. *lóḡus; PL. *log- (five). EN five (5). semi-light stem. stem: v[o^u]G-. gen: vív. dat: voa. acc: vúd. ins: voúr. see: vjeiș ordinal.

vúsús   /ˈvuːsuːs/ n. Etym: MR. łúsułs, łuksułs; OR. lowsuls, loksuls; PR. *logsuls; PH. *lóḡswləs, lóḡswlus; PL. *log-swl- ← *log- (5) + *swal- (to stand). EN fist. DE Faust. PL pięść. heavy stem, count noun. stem: vúsov-. gen: vúsovu. dat: vúsova. acc: vúsúd. ins: vúsovúr. pl: vúsúre. Variants vuksús.

vyet   /viet/ v. Etym: changed from vjyet in a spelling reform; MR. vjýtt; OR. vjȳtt; PR. *βijȳtht (to commence); PH. *bhiḵȳ́t-; PL. *bʱik-íwt’- ← *bʱek- (to arise). EN try, attempt. transitive. stem: výt-. npst: vyete : vyeta : vyetș : vyetú. pst: výșei. npst adv: vyestivú. pst adv: výtúl. ger: výtinș. grammar can take a genitive object or an infinitive; can also technically take a supine if particular intent is implied Mytaris vyetra! Try the apples! Mo', vaúb výtúl-úe. Well, I've tried my best. Dzyeat vyestivú húe. I'm trying to eat. Výșei mytard dzyeatúr. I tried to eat the apple (made an effort to).

vyniș   /ˈviniʃ/ adj. Etym: MR. vyniș; OR. vynišjre; PR. *βynišjir, βynir; PH. *bhynys; PL. *bʱyn- (to extend). EN wide. DE breit. PL szeroki. comparable. stem: vyn-. comp: vynuobș.

vyt   /vit/ v. Etym: MR. & OR. vytt; PR. *βytht; PH. *bhyt-; PL. *bʱyt’- (to watch). EN witness, bear witness to, observe. transitive. stem: vyt-. npst: vyte : vyta : vytș : vytú. pst: vyșei. npst adv: vystivú. pst adv: vytúl. ger: vytinș.

vyts   /vits/ n. Etym: MR. & OR. vyts; PR. *βyts ← *βytht, see vyt.1 • EN look, view, sight.

2 • EN form.

3 • EN aspect (linguistics). heavy stem, count noun. stem: vyt-. gen: vysk. dat: vyta. acc: vyst. ins: vytúr. pl: vytre. see: vyt.